My name is Kevin Deldycke , I’m a high-tech Engineering Manager.

Short Bio  ¶

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I’ve held various positions in several industries and sectors as VP, Product Manager, Founding Engineer and Consultant.

After 15+ years of relevant engineering work, and 3+ years of hands-on management experience, I now build teams from scratch with self-sustaining culture, and my intent is to keep doing so.

Enabling engineers, leading managers, and make them feels productive is the most impactful thing I can bring to the table. So I’m always on the lookout for a high-tech management position, at a fast growing start-up with ambitious vision.

The most relevant experience was in growing a team from 0 to 12 at a cloud computing provider . We built up the whole IAM ecosystem , as well as the Billing and Payment stack  .

Achievements  ¶

Interviews  ¶

  • 👔 VP of Engineering at Scaleway (Developer to Manager, 2020) - In which I go back on my career transition from Software Developer to Enginneering Manager, and growing a team from 0 to 12 to care about a critical part of a cloud provider.

  • 🧘‍♂️ Bien-être au travail (Putain de code, S01E09, 2018) - I was invited in this French podcast to discuss well-being at work. Sounds dull, but it was a great opportunity for the hosts to share their personal anecdotes and stories on the job, and for me to comment on my first few months as a rookie manager.

  • 🤿 Take a Plunge Into One of the World’s Deepest Indoor Swimming Pool (The Venue Report, 2017) - A quick recap on how I entered the world of scuba diving, following by my experience at Nemo 33  .

  • 🤘 Paroles d’Artistes: Cool Cavemen (OxyRadio, 2009) - On this French webradio, I explained how and why I came to advise the Cool Cavemen band to release all their music under a Creative Commons license.

Resume  ¶

Everything is on LinkedIn  .

Conferences  ¶

About this site  ¶

🇬🇧 Everything here is English as a way to practice, and share content with a larger audience. It’s not my mother tongue and you’ll certainly find mistakes. So if you do, please be kind to comment on the blog (or better, send a pull-request ) so I can quickly fix errors. 🇫🇷 I sometimes write in French  .

🎸 This blog was previously titled coolkevmen . Which is the nickname given to me by friends from the Cool Cavemen band, in the credits of All Cool Hits  album.