I just donated $200 to the Kdenlive project, as they have just started a fundraising campaign to refactor its core and make it future-proof:
The amount of collected funds is currently at $3,041 from the $4,000 required to pay a developer to work full-time for 2 months. With only $959 remaining and 41 days left, you have no reason to not contribute to the best open-source video editor out there.
I started to play with Kdenlive several years ago with version 0.3. I even created some RPM packages back then. Kdenlive suffered from heavy instabilities in its early days.
But this was a long time ago and today it’s the most stable and practical video editing software available on Linux. It’s the best open-source tool for amateur DSLR shooters, and is worth a try even if your primary desktop manager is not KDE.
Today this software is the one I spend most of my time in at home (just after a web browser and a command-line terminal). And I’ve never felt as productive as the last 2 years: I edited about 2 hours of videos in that period.
Kdenlive must continue to grow. And because I want to use it in my future projects, it makes sense to make a donation. So what are you waiting for contributing too? :)