• Convert .wma file to 192 kpbs .mp3:

    1 $ ffmpeg -i audio.wma -b:a 192k audio.mp3
  • Convert all .wma files to VBR .mp3 at quality range number #4:

    1 $ find . -iname "*.wma" -exec ffmpeg -i "{}" -q:a 4 "{}.mp3" \;
    2 $ rename 's/\.wma\.mp3/\.mp3/' *.mp3
  • Convert .ape file to .wav:

    1 $ ffmpeg -i audio.ape audio.wav
  • Split a one-file album flac file into tracks according its cue list:

    1 $ shntool split -f album.cue -o flac album.flac
  • Split a raw BIN/CUE copy of a CD-DA image and transcode each track as a flac:

    1 $ ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 44.1k -ac 2 -i ./CDDA_COPY.BIN ./cdda.wav
    2 $ shntool split -f ./CDDA_COPY.CUE -o flac ./cdda.wav
  • Merge several .wav file to one file named merged.wav:

    1 $ sox part1.wav part2.wav part3.wav merged.wav
  • Convert .wav audio file to ALAC lossless file:

    1 $ ffmpeg -i audio.wav -acodec alac audio.m4a
  • Convert FLAC audio file to Apple Losseless codec (ALAC), while preserving metadata, including embedded cover. This is perfect to import files into Apple Music:

    1 $ ffmpeg -i track.flac -vcodec copy -acodec alac track.m4a
  • Convert .asf audio file to PCM wave file:

    1 $ mplayer -vo null -hardframedrop -ao pcm:file=audio.wav audio.asf
  • Convert MIDI file to Ogg/Vorbis:

    1 $ timidity -Ov1S *.mid
  • Extract the Right then Left channel of a stereo .wav file:

    1 $ sox stereo.wav -c 1 rightchan.wav avg -r
    2 $ sox stereo.wav -c 1 leftchan.wav avg -l
  • Some sox compressor parameters:

    1 $ play audio.wav compand .1,.1 -60,-10 0 0 .1
    2 $ play audio.wav compand .01,.3 -6,-4,-3,-3,0,-3
    3 $ play audio.wav compand 0.3,1 -90,-90,-70,-70,-60,-20,0,0 -5 0 0.2
  • Test Alsa audio driver output via gstreamer v0.10:

    1 $ gst-launch-0.10 audiotestsrc ! alsasink
  • Generate cyclic pink noise (source):

    1 $ play -t sl -r48000 -c2 - synth -1 pinknoise tremolo .1 40 <  /dev/zero
  • Generate background low frequency noise (source):

    1 $ play -c2 -n synth whitenoise band -n 100 24 band -n 300 100 gain +20
  • Set album tag on all MP3 files found:

    1 $ find . -iname '*.mp3' -print -exec id3v2 --album "Album name" "{}" \;

Other related resources: