
  • Convert several files from a format to another:

    1 $ convert img_*.bmp img_%04d.png


  • Resize images of the current folder to progressive jpeg. Resized images will not be greater than 600x600, but the aspect ratio will be respected:

    1 $ convert -resize 600x600 -sharpen 1 -interlace Line ./* ./pict%04d.jpg
  • Reduce size of a PDF by limiting its images to 1000 pixels and convert its color-space to grayscale:

    1 $ convert -resize 1000x1000 -type Grayscale ./big.pdf ./smaller.pdf
  • Assemble images vertically:

    1 $ convert img1.jpg img2.jpg img3.jpg -append big.jpg
  • Assemble images horizontally:

    1 $ convert img1.jpg img2.jpg img3.jpg +append big.jpg


  • Remove all whitespace (or any solid-color) surrounding the original.png image:

    1 $ convert ./original.png -trim ./trimmed.png
  • Add a 5% white border around the image:

    1 $ convert ./original.png -bordercolor White -border 5%x5% ./original-with-border.png
  • Same as above but with a deep black 5% border on the side and a total image height 3x times taller as the original:

    1 $ convert ./original.png -bordercolor '#1a1a1a' -border 5%x100% ./original-with-border.png


  • Massive in-place optimization of all PNG images available in sub-directories:

    1 $ find ./ -iname "*.png" -exec pngcrush "{}" "{}.crushed" \; -exec mv "{}.crushed" "{}" \;
  • Same as above, but remove all known chunks, those encoding color profiles, gamma and text, and only keeps transparency chunks:

    1 $ find ./ -iname "*.png" -exec pngcrush -rem alla "{}" "{}.crushed" \; -exec mv "{}.crushed" "{}" \;
  • Lossless optimization of JPEG files:

    1 $ find . -iname "*.jpg" -exec jpegtran -optimize -outfile "{}.optimized.jpeg" "{}" \;
  • Convert a PNG file to an optimized JPEG:

    1 $ convert ./original.png TGA:- | cjpeg -optimize -progressive -quality 80 -outfile compressed-image.jpeg -targa
  • Same as above but as a loop for all PNG files in current folder:

    1 $ for f in *.png; do convert "$f" TGA:- | cjpeg -optimize -progressive -quality 80 -outfile "$f.jpeg" -targa; done


  • Print all metadata of a video file:

     1 $ exiftool ./MVI_4441.MOV
     2 Audio Channels                  : 2
     3 Compressor Version              : CanonAVC0002
     4 Camera Model Name               : Canon EOS 7D
     5 Firmware Version                : Firmware Version 2.0.3
     6 Image Size                      : 1920x1080
     7 Megapixels                      : 2.1
     8 Avg Bitrate                     : 47.5 Mbps
     9 (...)
  • Same as above but print the canonical ID of each field:

     1 $ exiftool -short ./MVI_4441.MOV
     2 AudioChannels                   : 2
     3 CompressorVersion               : CanonAVC0002
     4 Model                           : Canon EOS 7D
     5 FirmwareVersion                 : Firmware Version 2.0.3
     6 ImageSize                       : 1920x1080
     7 Megapixels                      : 2.1
     8 AvgBitrate                      : 47.5 Mbps
     9 (...)
  • Print all metadata, with fields grouped by their family:

     1 $ exiftool -groupHeadings MVI_4586.MOV
     2 ---- ExifTool ----
     3 ExifTool Version Number         : 12.60
     4 ---- File ----
     5 File Name                       : MVI_4586.MOV
     6 File Type                       : MOV
     7 File Type Extension             : mov
     8 MIME Type                       : video/quicktime
     9 ---- QuickTime ----
    10 Major Brand                     : Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)
    11 Minor Version                   : 2007.9.0
    12 Media Data Offset               : 32
    13 Movie Header Version            : 0
    14 (...)
  • Show all date fields with their canonical IDs, grouped by family:

     1 $ exiftool -groupNames -short -'*Date' MVI_4586.MOV
     2 [File]          FileModifyDate                  : 2023:06:03 17:14:28+04:00
     3 [File]          FileAccessDate                  : 2023:06:03 21:36:26+04:00
     4 [File]          FileInodeChangeDate             : 2023:06:03 18:55:28+04:00
     5 [QuickTime]     CreateDate                      : 2015:09:26 14:44:10
     6 [QuickTime]     ModifyDate                      : 2015:09:26 14:44:10
     7 [QuickTime]     TrackCreateDate                 : 2015:09:26 14:44:10
     8 [QuickTime]     TrackModifyDate                 : 2015:09:26 14:44:10
     9 [QuickTime]     MediaCreateDate                 : 2015:09:26 14:44:10
    10 [QuickTime]     MediaModifyDate                 : 2015:09:26 14:44:10
  • Copy the CreateDate field of the QuickTime family from a MVI_4586.MOV file to MVI_4586.mp4:

    1 $ exiftool -tagsfromfile MVI_4586.MOV "-QuickTime:CreateDate" MVI_4586.mp4
  • Same as above but for all date fields:

    1 $ exiftool -tagsfromfile MVI_4586.MOV "-QuickTime:*Date" MVI_4586.mp4
  • Transfer all *Date fields from all .MOV files of the current ./ directory to their corresponding .mp4 files:

    1 $ exiftool -tagsfromfile %f.MOV "-QuickTime:*Date" -ext mp4 ./
  • Remove all metadata of a JPEG file:

    1 $ exiftool -all= image.jpg
  • Prefix all JPEG filename with their EXIF date:

    1 $ for i in *.jpg; do exiv2 -v -r '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_:basename:' rename "$i"; done
  • Remove recursively (and in-place) the color profile and comments embedded in all PNG images:

    1 $ mogrify -verbose -monitor -strip ./*.png

macOS’s & osxphotos

  • Export all videos from the 2012-12-32 - NYE album to the current folder, and download from iCloud the missing ones:

    1 $ osxphotos export ./ --album "2012-12-32 - NYE" --download-missing --only-movies
  • Same as above but only for videos shot with a Canon camera and encoded with the CanonAVC0002 codec:

    1 $ osxphotos export ./ --album "2012-12-32 - NYE" --download-missing --only-movies --exif CompressorVersion 'CanonAVC0002'
  • Export all videos from the Yearly archives/2014 subfolder while keeping the same folder structure:

    1 $ osxphotos export ./ --regex "Yearly archives/2014" "{folder_album}" --download-missing --only-movies --directory "{folder_album}"