
How-To Compile slowmoVideo on Ubuntu 12.10

slowmoVideo is an open-source equivalent of the well-known proprietary Twixtor plugin  . If you try to follow the procedure from the project documentation under Kubuntu 12.10, you’ll not go very far. Because you’ll start by installing the default -dev packages of libavutil : $ sudo aptitude install libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev …
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Mandriva repositories retired

After migrating from WordPress to Pelican , I realized that my old Mandriva repositories weighted 1.3 Go. Which make my whole blog much bigger than I expected. So I decided to trim the fat and moved my repositories in retirement. This post is a formal announcement that my repositories, formerly …
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WordPress to Pelican

You probably noticed this blog dramatically changed lately and was sometimes broken. That’s because I was in the middle of migrating it from WordPress to a static site generator. In the last few years, tweaking and maintaining my server proved to be a challenging but rewarding experience. Most of …
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WordPress to Disqus Migration

I’ve just finished migrating all the comments of this blog from WordPress to Disqus . Why using an external comment platform? It’s just that I plan to ditch WordPress entirely, and switch to a static site generator in the near future. Here are some details on my migration to …
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LibreOffice templates: Blue Curve & Fancy Window Frame

Sorting my archives, I uncovered an old collection of presentations I created in 2001/2002 when I was a student. I’ve just generated out of these original slides templates for LibreOffice. First, here is Blue Curve  : You can download the file from the official LibreOffice templates  website. Second presentation …
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