
Qemu commands

Some useful command to help running and setup qemu… Create an empty compressed 10 Go disk image (in qcow2 format): 1 $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 /home/kevin/qemu-disk-image.qcow 10G Boot on your machine’s CD-Rom in qemu with previous disk image as primary HDD: 1 $ qemu -cdrom /dev …
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Qemu: How-To Share Network Access with the Ghest OS

Create a file /etc/qemu-ifup that contain: #!/bin/sh sudo modprobe tun sudo /sbin/ifconfig $1 up netmask broadcast # IP masquerade sudo echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward sudo /sbin/iptables -N nat sudo /sbin/iptables -t …
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How-To Mount a File System Binary Image

Obtain a binary image We have a USB key with a file system on it, and we want to save its content. We do a binary image using: 1 $ dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/home/kevin/usb_key.img Mount the image file Get information about the file system of the …
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Remote Backup with rsync

This little article describe how to setup an automatic backup procedure to a remote machine via the rsync tool. Prerequisites A distant server, where backup will be stored ( in this case), A user account on this server (mine was kevin), A ssh daemon running on the server that …
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