Here is a little log of a micro lftp session. I post it just to remind me some basic commands…

Connect to an ftp server and login as myuser:

1 $ lftp
2 lftp> user myuser
3 Password:

Get a list of basic commands:

lftp [email protected]:/www> help
        !<shell -command>                    (commands)
        alias [<name> [<value>]]            anon
        bookmark [SUBCMD]                   cache [SUBCMD]
        cat [-b] <files>                    cd <rdir>
        chmod [OPTS] mode file...           close [-a]
        [re]cls [opts] [path/][pattern]     debug [<level>|off] [-o <file>]
        du [options] <dirs>                 exit [<code>|bg]
        get [OPTS] <rfile> [-o <lfile>]     glob [OPTS] <cmd> <args>
        help [<cmd>]                        history -w file|-r file|-c|-l [cnt]
        jobs [-v]                           kill all|<job_no>
        lcd <ldir>                          lftp [OPTS] <site>
        ls [<args>]                         mget [OPTS] <files>
        mirror [OPTS] [remote [local]]      mkdir [-p] <dirs>
        module name [args]                  more <files>
        mput [OPTS] </files><files>                 mrm </files><files>
        mv <file1> <file2>                  [re]nlist [<args>]
        open [OPTS] <site>                  pget [OPTS] <rfile> [-o <lfile>]
        put [OPTS] </lfile><lfile> [-o <rfile>]     pwd [-p]
        queue [OPTS] [<cmd>]                quote </cmd><cmd>
        repeat [delay] [command]            rm [-r] [-f] <files>
        rmdir [-f] <dirs>                   scache [<session_no>]
        set [OPT] [<var> [<val>]]           site <site_cmd>
        source <file>                       user <user |URL> [<pass>]
        version                             wait [<jobno>]
        zcat <files>                        zmore

Navigate in the file structure:

lftp [email protected]:~> ls
drwx---r-x   2 myuser users         4096 Jan  9  2005 cgi-bin
drwx---r-x   2 myuser users         4096 Jan  9  2005 sessions
drwx---r-x  12 myuser users         4096 Jun  1 01:44 www
lftp [email protected]:/> cd www
lftp [email protected]:/www> ls
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users        32724 Aug 17 00:43 class.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users        17896 Jan 10  2005 download.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users          168 Jan 10  2005 .htaccess
drwxr-xr-x   3 myuser users         4096 Jan 10  2005 main_admin
drwxr-xr-x  39 myuser users         4096 Aug  6 01:02 main_plugins

Upload file from local machine to ftp server:

lftp [email protected]:/www> put /home/kevin/class.php
64714 bytes transferred in 8 seconds (7.9K/s)

Navigate, view, upload and exit:

lftp [email protected]:/www> ls
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users        64714 Aug 17 00:56 class.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users        17896 Jan 10  2005 download.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users          168 Jan 10  2005 .htaccess
drwxr-xr-x   3 myuser users         4096 Jan 10  2005 main_admin
drwxr-xr-x  39 myuser users         4096 Aug  6 01:02 main_plugins
lftp [email protected]:/www> cd mai
main_admin/  main_plugins/
lftp [email protected]:/www> cd main_admin/
cd ok, cwd=/www/main_admin
lftp [email protected]:/www/main_admin> ls
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users        13449 Jan 10  2005 upload.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users          100 Aug 17 00:36 version.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users         4494 Jan 10  2005 message.php
lftp [email protected]:/www/main_admin> cat ./version.php
< ?php

$globinfo['main_version'] = "v 0.0.1 (alpha)";
$globinfo['main_build'] = "20050815";

100 bytes transferred
lftp [email protected]:/www/main_admin> put /home/kevin/
.bash_history  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  .lftp/  .ssh/  .viminfo  class.php  main_admin/  tmp/
lftp [email protected]:/www/main_admin> put /home/kevin/main_admin/version.php
100 bytes transferred
lftp [email protected]:/www/main_admin> ls
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users        13449 Jan 10  2005 upload.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users          100 Aug 17 00:58 version.php
-rwx---r-x   1 myuser users         4494 Jan 10  2005 message.php
lftp [email protected]:/www/main_admin> exit