
New music video: Where is she?

The last music video I worked on these past few months was just released. Here is Where is she? an original song from Omashay , the side-project of Cool Cavemen’s saxophonist  :
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Keep a Local Backup of Gmail thanks to mbsync

I used to keep a local backup of my Gmail mails with OfflineImap . But I never felt comfortable with this solution because of OfflineImap being fully bidirectional. Which means my mails in the cloud are not protected from me messing with their local versions. In the mean time I found …
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How-To map a non-US domain name to a blog

I’m currently migrating most of my self-hosted WordPress blogs from my server to hosting, which allows you to use your own domain. But setting the DNS records from your registrar may trigger some errors. I myself wasn’t able to properly update my domain configuration and OVH …
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Behind the Scenes of Burlesque Burglary music video

After my post announcing the release of the official music video for Cool Cavemen, I published an article which compile all my production notes  . Today I’m happy to write the last post about the Burlesque Burglary video project, which is all about fun: let me present you the much …
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