
How-to use GMail to send mails from Debian Squeeze

Here is quick guide on how I configured Exim 4 to let a Debian Squeeze server send mails through a GMail account. This article is just a rip-off of a tutorial I found on the web, which is itself an updated version of a Debian’s Wiki page. Debian come …
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FTT Migration from Subversion to Git

Last month I released the Feed Tracking Tool project (aka FTT) on GitHub . I reconstructed the code history from old tarballs. In the mean time, my friend at Uperto managed to recover the original Subversion repository from very old backups. Here is how I migrated the old SVN repository to …
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Network commands

Interfaces Get the list of all wireless networks reachable by the wlan0 interface: 1 $ iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep ESSID Get some information about open ports: 1 $ netstat --taupen 2 $ netstat --lapute Watch network activity in real-time: 1 $ watch -n 1 "lsof -i" Reboot machine if the …
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Feed Tracking Tool released under an Open-Source license

I’ve just open-sourced the Feed Tracking Tool project (aka “FTT”), my first (and only) Ruby on Rails  experience. This tool was developed within Uperto , the company I currently work for, for its internal needs. The project had an ancestor written in 2006 that was based on Pylons . It was …
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Why I chose Ubercart instead of Magento or osCommerce.

About a year ago a friend asked me why I chose the Ubercart / Drupal combo as the engine for Cool Cavemen’s online shop . He specifically asked me why not choose Magento or osCommerce . I never really took the time to answer him. Let’s fix this. First, I selected …
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