
MIDI-controlled Text Zoom in Quartz Composer

To end my series of experimentations with Quartz Composer that I started 2 months ago , here is my last patch: It’s based on the previous one and is also driven by a Berhinger BCF-2000 MIDI controller . The purpose of this composition is to zoom a piece of text …
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Quartz Composer & Behringer BCF-2000 MIDI controller tests

A year ago I explored visual control by plugging a generic Behringer BCF2000 MIDI controller in Apple’s Quartz Composer . My initial intention was to drive some animations and visuals during Cool Cavemen ’s live concerts. Now that’s I’ve abandoned the idea of using Quartz Composer, it’s …
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Comment supprimer des comptes mails secondaires

Ça fait maintenant 10 ans que je suis client chez Free . Durant mes premières années de fréquentation du web, j’avais décidé de créer autant de comptes mails que de variations possibles avec mon nom et prénom. Ne riez pas. Je l’ai vraiment fait. J’avais même …
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Automate Trac instance deployment with Buildout

Recently, I started to contribute to pbp.recipe.trac, a Buildout recipe aimed to simplify the management and configuration of Trac instances. I’ve taken interest in this piece of code the day I realized the Trac instance we used at work was still running on the old 0.10 …
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