
Simple video backdrop with Quartz Composer

While playing with Quartz Composer, the only composition I made with a clear intention of using it was this one: As you can see, it’s just my band ’s logo, subtly glowing (or breathing, as you wish). It’s a simple but …
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Flame & Snow, using Quartz Composer particle system

After creating a series of compositions based on my kaleidoscopic patch , I played with Quartz Composer’s particle system, to create a flame and falling snow flakes: As for the last times, both Flame and Snow …
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Sharp scan-lines & Squared lava-lamp

Here are 2 new Quartz Composer compositions. Both of them are based on the same kaleidoscope patch from my last post, but are processed before the final rendering. This gives some interesting visual effects that are quite distant to the original kaleidoscopes. As …
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Kaleidoscope #001 and #002

To continue the series I initiated 2 weeks ago about my Quartz Composer experimentations , here are two other kaleidoscopic compositions: Kaleidoscope #001 source is available, and its patch looks like this: Again, here is Kaleidoscope #002 …
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Export Quartz Composer to video

Quartz Composer is a really nice piece of software for visualists . It allows you to create animated and/or interactive compositions mixing sounds, images, effects, user inputs and any other kind of data. In fact, Quartz Composer was the main reason I bought a MacBook Pro 18 months ago. The …
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