
dpkg, APT & Aptitude commands

Search List all installed packages: 1 $ dpkg -l List all recently installed packages: 1 $ zcat -f /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep "\ install\ " | sort Show the changelog of a package (here, the linux kernel of Ubuntu): 1 $ aptitude changelog linux-generic Which package contain a given file: 1 $ apt-file search file_to_search Get …
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How-to fix wireless DHCP on Mandriva 2009.0

In two words: dhcp_client sucks! And now the long story… Since the upgrade to Mandriva 2008.1, wifi stopped working on my laptop. I tried to install the 2008.1 on several machines. I tried to connect on different access points. I lowered security on the access point. I tried …
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How-to: e107 autogallery to Zenphoto migration

These past few days I was working on the Cool Cavemen’s photo gallery to move it to a shiny new one, powered by Zenphoto. In this post I will roughly describe how I’ve done it, code and commands included. The old gallery was based on autogallery, a e107 …
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How-to fix ruby’s FeedTools latin-1 parsing

While playing with FeedTools , a ruby library to parse RSS (or other) feeds, I’ve spotted a strange behavior, that at first looks like typical unicode parsing issue. So I’ve started to check that the original feed was encoded in the right format, and that its charset was clearly …
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