
Hardware commands

Computer Get Mac hardware model: 1 $ sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name 2 MacBookAir5,2 Disk Show all S.M.A.R.T. info of a disk: 1 $ smartctl -a /dev/ada4 Low-level format of the hda device: 1 $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda Same as above but for paranoΓ―d …
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RPM, Urpmi & Yum commands

RPM List all installed packages: 1 $ rpm -qa Get the list of all installed packages and their architecture: 1 $ rpm -qa --queryformat "%-40{NAME} %-8{ARCH}\n" Same as above, but show i586 packages only: 1 $ rpm -qa --queryformat "%-40{NAME} %-8{ARCH}\n" | grep i586 Downgrade a package to …
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i18n / l10n commands

Check a .po file: 1 $ msgfmt -c -v -o /dev/null file.po Wipe out a .po file and keep only translated messages: 1 $ msgattrib --translated -o cleaned.po messy.po Delete duplicate messages in a .po file: 1 $ msguniq -o no_duplicate.po duplicate_content.po Show differences between two .po …
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