
Mandriva 2007.0 Screenshots: 3D Desktop

For some months, I own a Samsung Q35 laptop which is powered by a Mandriva 2007.0. As describe in its technical specification this machine include an Intel GMA 950 GPU . lspci give us more details: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and …
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All my command lines

Here is a collection of commands lines, code and configuration snippets I collected for several years while working as an Open-Source Software Engineer: Files Management  Archives System & Shell  Network  Hardware  Apache  Web  Video  Audio Image Processing Text, Date & Document Processing dpkg, APT & Aptitude RPM, Urpmi & Yum  OpenSSH GPG & OpenSSL i18n …
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Image Processing commands

Conversion Convert several files from a format to another: 1 $ convert img_*.bmp img_%04d.png Resize Resize images of the current folder to progressive jpeg. Resized images will not be greater than 600x600, but the aspect ratio will be respected: 1 $ convert -resize 600x600 -sharpen 1 -interlace Line ./* ./pict …
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PDF commands

Case-insensitive search of a string in a PDF, thanks to pdfgrep  : $ pdfgrep --page-number --ignore-case 'my_string' ./document.pdf Convert a PDF to a JPEG file at 150 dpi: $ convert -density 150 ./document.pdf ./document.jpg Extract images from a PDF document: $ pdfimages -j document.pdf prefix Compile all JPEG files in …
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Text, Date & Document processing commands

Search  ΒΆ Count the number of lines with at least one occurrence of the y character: $ cat test.txt asd dd :; > y YYYyy yyy . asdkjlyes kjkjhkjhy $ grep -o '.*y.*' ./test.txt | wc -l 3 Replace  ΒΆ Text replacement: $ sed 's/string to replace/replacement string/g' original-file.txt > new-file.txt Dynamic, in-place …
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