
Windows glitches

Using the holidays to tidy up my archives, I stumble upon old screenshots of Windows glitches I encountered when I was a student. Yes, the base platform at school was Windows, but it was 10 years ago (if this can constitute a valid excuse to not use Linux). Wait. What …
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Auto-advance WordPress’ TwentyEleven showcase slides

WordPress default theme, TwentyEleven , has a built-in showcase mode that is displaying a set a slides (composed of sticky posts) at the top of a page. This mode can be activated by creating a static page and set its Template page attribute to Showcase Template  . The problem with this mode …
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Increase Dropbox free capacity with Google AdWords

I started to use Dropbox 6 months ago at work, but I only use it for personal files since November. Now that I seamlessly integrated it on my Kubuntu thanks to Kfilebox , it quickly became clear that Dropbox will potentially be part of my everyday computer life. But before definitely …
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WordPress commands

To activate the debug mode of WordPress, add the following PHP code in wp-config.php: define('WP_DEBUG', true); This SQL query remove all revisions of posts having the topic, reply and attachment type (tested on WordPress 3.1.x): DELETE child.* FROM wp_posts AS child LEFT JOIN wp_posts AS parent …
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