
Nichrome Preview (and Behind the Scene) video

Two months ago (October 8th) I shot a video for Cool Cavemen . I haven’t talked about it on this blog yet, let’s fix this right now: The song is Nichrome , which is a brand new song that will be available …
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GPG & OpenSSL commands

Generate a random password: 1 $ openssl rand -base64 18 Examine ASN.1 structure of a CSR: 1 $ openssl asn1parse -i -in ./0000_csr-certbot.pem Generate a key (interactive mode): 1 $ gpg --gen-key You can use the key generator in an unattended mode. Values in the example below are the same as …
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Bazaar commands

Check-out in the local openerp-server folder the 6.0 branch of the OpenERP server project from Launchpad: 1 $ bzr branch lp:openobject-server/6.0 openerp-server Same command as above, but fetch a particular revision: 1 $ bzr branch lp:openobject-server/6.0 -r 3425 openerp-server Check-out the current head of a …
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PostgreSQL commands

Update the default configuration to allow direct authentication from the local machine: 1 $ sed -i 's/^local\s\+all\s\+all\s\+ident/local all all trust/g' /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf Same as above but for local IPv4 and IPv6 connexions: 1 $ sed -i 's/^host …
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Installation Guide for a full-featured Debian server

Here is a collection of articles I wrote during the past year. Together they form a guide that will let you setup a full-featured Debian server. All of these tutorials are based on the recent work I did to setup my personal server on Debian Squeeze. These articles are independent …
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