
MySQL commands

List all users in the current MySQL server: SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user; Remove a user from the server: DROP USER ''@''; Remove all binary logs: RESET MASTER; Delete all binary logs but keep a week worth of logs: 1 $ mysql --verbose --execute="PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE '`date …
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Twitter search failed… :(

Had an issue with ÜberCart  tonight. Was sure I already solved it. Knew I explained the solution on Twitter. Tried to search for it  : and failed! And all I was looking for was this little tweet  . Is Twitter’s search supposed to work? :(
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How-to fork a CVS project with Git

This week I’ve decided to put my work on Cool Cavemen’s concert videos aside, and work instead on refreshing our online store . After all, fans are requesting this , so I can’t escape my duty… The theme the store is based on is Drupify , an adaptation of the …
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Git commands

Get a clean local copy of my GitHub repository with read & write access: 1 $ git clone [email protected]:kdeldycke/scripts.git Switch to another branch: 1 $ git checkout another_branch Set the current repository in the state it was at commit 1234567: 1 $ git checkout 1234567 Get the current commit …
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Cool Cavemen live at Gayant Expo, part II.

Here is “Funky Cops”, the second Cool Cavemen’s live song at Gayant Expo: I released this video two weeks ago for Cool Cavemen. As I try to release one video every week, I give a high priority to the editing work. This …
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