
PHP APC on Debian Squeeze with Munin monitoring

Installing APC on Debian Squeeze is as simple as installing the package: $ aptitude install php5-apc In my case this package come from the PHP bundle distributed by the Dotdeb repository  . If installing APC is easy, monitoring it with Munin requires some extra manipulations. There is currently no good APC plugin …
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Making of Omashay’s Wish You Looked at Me music video

Last month I edited the Wish You Looked at Me video clip for the Omashay project . This is a side-project of Cool Cavemen’s saxophonist . The video is finally available on YouTube: All the video material was shot by Tomasito itself, with his …
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e107 Importer plugin for WordPress v1.4 released!

I just released the version 1.4 of my e107 Importer plugin for WordPress  . This is a special release as it ends the active development cycle. I officially declare this plugin unmaintained . I don’t plan to work on it again. The 1.4 will be the last version. Unless …
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Nginx + PHP-FPM + MySQL on a Debian Squeeze server

This post is not about optimization: it only describe a sure and fast way to get all those 3 components talk to each other. This article will help you bootstrap a minimal setup, something that I wouldn’t recommend for a production server without serious tweaking (to get both high …
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Configuring Fail2Ban on Debian Squeeze

This always start with a package installation: 1 $ aptitude install fail2ban Then I simply create a local configuration file where I’ll put all my custom config: 1 $ touch /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Here is the content of that file: [DEFAULT] # Do not filter connexion from my apartment and from …
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