
Audio commands

Convert .wma file to 192 kpbs .mp3: 1 $ ffmpeg -i audio.wma -b:a 192k audio.mp3 Convert all .wma files to VBR .mp3 at quality range number #4: 1 $ find . -iname "*.wma" -exec ffmpeg -i "{}" -q:a 4 "{}.mp3" \; 2 $ rename 's/\.wma\.mp3/\.mp3/' *.mp3 Convert .ape file ā€¦
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CD Burning commands

List all CD devices: 1 $ cdrdao scanbus Blank a CD-RW: 1 $ cdrdao blank --device ATA:0,1,0 --driver generic-mmc Burn an ISO: 1 $ cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=ATA:0,1,0 ./geexbox-0.98-fr.iso Generate an ISO image of a CD-ROM: 1 $ dd if=/dev/cdrom ā€¦
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Archives commands

gzip Extract .tar.gz file: 1 $ tar xvzf ./file.tar.gz Extract only one subdirectory and all its sub-content: 1 $ tar -xvzf my-archive.tar.gz --wildcards "./directory/subdirectory*" Create a .tar.gz file: 1 $ tar cvzf file.tar.gz ./subfolder Extract all .gz files in the current folder: 1 $ gunzip ā€¦
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File Management commands

Listing Count the number of files in a folder: 1 $ find ./ -type f | wc -l List all file extensions found in a folder: 1 $ find ./ -type f | rev | cut -d "." -f 1 | sort | uniq | rev List all files sharing the same name within the sub folders: 1 $ find . -type f ā€¦
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