
Konqueror config file: disable menu bar

To disable the menu bar in konqueror, you have a specific action in menus. If you want to do this by hand, just add the following directive in your ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc file: [KonqMainWindow] MenuBar=Disabled This tip is interesting because you can also apply it for any KDE …
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e107 to Wordpress Importer: Alpha version

As I said yesterday, I will migrate my e107 content to Wordpress. My first step in this direction was to write a Wordpress import filter. So here is my first draft of the e107 to Wordpress importer (direct link to php file). To use it, copy the e107.php file …
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e107 to Wordpress Migration: Here is Why.

As you probably don’t know, I’m the webmaster (this word sounds so 90’s…) of the Cool Cavemen Band website, which is powered by e107 Content Management System. Unfortunately we started some months ago to get lots of comment spams (at least 10 per day), and the number …
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Basic lftp Usage

Here is a little log of a micro lftp session. I post it just to remind me some basic commands… Connect to an ftp server and login as myuser: 1 $ lftp 2 lftp> user myuser 3 Password: Get a list of basic commands …
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