Dec. 31, 2012

LibreOffice templates: Blue Curve & Fancy Window Frame

Dec. 18, 2012

How-to clean and tidy up OpenERP’s XML

Dec. 04, 2012


Nov. 27, 2012

Linux GoPro HD Hero2 Firmware Upgrade

Nov. 20, 2012

20m Scuba Diving Pool

Nov. 13, 2012

Wedding Entrance: Video Postcard of Paris

Nov. 06, 2012

Cool Cavemen at Gayant Expo: production notes

Oct. 30, 2012

How-To transfer bbPress content to plain WordPress objects

Oct. 23, 2012

Ultimate Gmail backup with Gmvault

Oct. 16, 2012

Kdenlive Fundraising Campaign Tee-Shirt

Oct. 09, 2012

How-to create a local copy of a remote SVN repository

Oct. 02, 2012

Converting a bbPress Forum to a Mailbox Archive

Sep. 18, 2012

ZenPhoto to WordPress Migration

Sep. 11, 2012

Merging back Git changes to an outdated Subversion fork

Sep. 04, 2012 : Ingest Raw Text Files and Produce a Mailbox

Aug. 28, 2012

Announcing Matrix Widget for OpenERP 6.0

Aug. 21, 2012

New music video: Where is she?

Aug. 07, 2012

Keep a Local Backup of Gmail thanks to mbsync

Jul. 31, 2012

How-To map a non-US domain name to a blog

Jul. 17, 2012

Displaying Upcoming Events from a Google Calendar in Javascript

Jul. 10, 2012

Behind the Scenes of Burlesque Burglary music video

Jul. 03, 2012

OVH: configuration du modem Thomson TG-585 en IPoE

Jun. 05, 2012

Burlesque Burglary music video: Production Notes

May. 29, 2012

Hacking OpenERP 6.0 User Interface with Javascript

May. 22, 2012

Kdenlive fundraising campaign: a tremendous success!

May. 15, 2012

How-To Backup Gmail with OfflineImap

May. 08, 2012

VirtualBox commands

May. 01, 2012

JavaScript commands

Apr. 24, 2012

Increase OpenERP 6.0 web-client session timeout

Apr. 17, 2012

How-to add a warning banner to OpenERP’s web client

Apr. 10, 2012

Check Point’s SNX client on Ubuntu 11.04

Apr. 03, 2012

Beautify Contextual Related Posts WordPress plugin

Mar. 27, 2012

Video summary of latest Cool Cavemen’s concert

Mar. 20, 2012

I contributed $200 to Kdenlive and you should too!

Mar. 13, 2012

4m² : the first short I worked on

Mar. 06, 2012

Dump, backup and restore a PostgreSQL database

Feb. 28, 2012

Stabilizing Cute Baby Goats

Feb. 21, 2012

How-to monkey-patch OpenERP’s native Javascript

Jan. 31, 2012

How-to generate PDF from Markdown

Jan. 24, 2012

Burlesque Burglary music video released

Jan. 17, 2012

Reusing vintage footage for Cool Cavemen’s concert intro

Jan. 03, 2012

Windows glitches