
Beautify Contextual Related Posts WordPress plugin

I’m a long time user of the Contextual Related Posts plugin for WordPress. The thing is that if you activate thumbnails, you’ll end up with this kind of ugly list: So I’ve written some CSS to beautify this, and make the final result aligns with TwentyEleven (WordPress …
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Video summary of latest Cool Cavemen’s concert

I’ve just finished editing the video summary of the latest Cool Cavemen’s concert . It’s now available on YouTube  : That video was mostly shot with my Canon EOS 7D in 1080p at 24fps, with a Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2 …
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I contributed $200 to Kdenlive and you should too!

I just donated $200 to the Kdenlive project, as they have just started a fundraising campaign to refactor its core and make it future-proof: The amount of collected funds is currently at $3,041 from the $4,000 required to pay a developer to work full-time for 2 months. With …
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4m² : the first short I worked on

4m² , the first narrative short film I work on, was just made available on YouTube . I wasn’t expecting a public release that fast (and this makes a really pleasant surprise), so I had no time to prepare a more detailed article. I’ll try to write one soon, but …
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Dump, backup and restore a PostgreSQL database

Between user rights, permissions, templates and encoding, believe me or not, but I had some troubles finding a consistent procedure to dump, backup and restore a PostgreSQL database. That’s expected as I’m new to this RDBMS. So here is the sequence of commands I use to dump a …
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